According to an Estonian proverb: you need to fertilize the cabbage that is growing.
Where do children come from? Where do works of art come from?
Where else but from under healthy, vigorous cabbage leaves.
Or from the sky? Or – from love?
In 2008 I perceived it was time. So many talented jewellers in the emerging Estonian jewellery scene and such miserable conditions for their growth. I made a decision. It was time to do something. Founded a grant. As well as providing support during that particular time, its aim was to provide a timeless aspect, which focused on the future.
A large number of benevolent, generous friends and kindred spirits responded to the appeal, trusted me and the seed was sown – and not a small one. Tanel and his friends joined the cause. Then overseas supporters. And our own local Estonians support us as well. And this is a miracle.
Where jewellery and relationships meet, there is hope.
Kadri Mälk
(Excerpt from the Non-explanatory Dictionary of Estonian Jewellery)
Eesti vanasõna ütleb: väeta seda kapsast, mis kasvab. Kustkohast tulevad lapsed, kust looming – eks ikka lopsakate kohevate kapsalehtede varjust. Või – taevast. Või – armastusest.
Aastal 2008 tajusin: on aeg. Niipalju andekaid loojaid eesti noores ehtekunstis ja teisalt: nii nukrad tingimused nende arenguks. Otsustasin. Vaja õlg alla panna. Loon stipendiumi. Eesmärk oli lisaks ajalisele hetkelisele toetusele anda asjale ka ajatu perspektiiv, suunaga tulevikku.
Mu üleskutsele vastas hulk heatahtlikke heldeid sõpru ja hingesugulasi, kel oli minusse usku; sealt tekkis seeme, mis polnudki nii väike. Edasi liitus Tanel ja tema sõpruskond. Edasi – välistoetajad. Ja meie oma Eesti inimesed toetavad samuti. Mis on ime.
Kus kohtuvad ehe ja suhe, seal on lootust.
Kadri Mälk
(Väljavõte „Eesti ehtekunsti seletamatuse sõnaraamatust“)